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Our Mission:

To provide an unrivaled customer experience by bringing trusted technology and superior service to our hometowns.

Your community is OUR community.

We are committed to serving our communities. Annually we donate over $13,000 and provide $180,000 in sponsorships for your favorite local events like the Smoky Hill River Festival, Wild West Festival, Kansas State Fair, Kansas Shrine Bowl and many more. We are avid supporters of local colleges and are the official wireless provider for Fort Hays State University and Emporia State University athletics!

Continual Growth.

We invest in what matters resulting in a network that supports the latest technology, happy employees and satisfied customers.

About Us

Nex-Tech Wireless, a subsidiary of Nex-Tech Inc./Rural Telephone, Golden Belt Telephone and Tri-County Telephone, is a premiere wireless provider offering wireless solutions to residents in over 40 counties of central and western Kansas. Nex-Tech Wireless' mission is to provide an unrivaled customer experience by bringing trusted technology and superior service to their hometowns. To learn more about our owners click their logo's below.

Nex-Tech Wireless Timeline

Customer Perks

Not only do our customers enjoy great network coverage, but they also have access to some pretty cool perks.