Category: Health & Fitness
Compatibility: iOS & Android
Once a month, our employees will be suggesting some of their favorite apps! This first suggestion comes from me, MacKenzie, the intern. And it is everything.
If you're wanting to drop some pounds, eat healthier, or just know what you're actually putting into your body and how many calories you're burning a day, DOWNLOAD THIS APP. It is amazing. I wanted to do all these things, and it was so easy with the help of MyFitnessPal.
Here's how I use it:
Setup: Log your initial weight, height, age, and goals. You can also connect with friends through your social media sites as well.
Every morning I wake up, eat breakfast, and log what I ate. You can create your own meals, scan barcodes, or just search for what you ate in their food database.
I carry my phone everywhere so my iPhone automatically tracks how many steps I take a day- which goes directly into MyFitnessPal too!
For lunch, I log my food in again.
After I get home from work, I workout. I have several other apps that I use to track how far I run or calories I burn lifting (which are linked to this app too!). Or when I don't use an app, I just track how long I exercised, then log those minutes (or hours if I'm really feeling motivated!) into the MyFitnessPal app.
Dinner- I log my food in again. If I decide to eat out, most foods are easy to find in their database and the calories are counted for you there.
The best thing about this app is if I workout that day, I get extra calories to intake- which means dessert if I want it! Yay!
Before I go to sleep, I submit everything from the day and it tells me, "If everyday were like today, you'd weigh XXX in 5 weeks." It's a great reminder that says, "hey, if you eat healthy and workout like you did today, you'll get to your goal sooner."

Another feature that I love is their blog! They suggest healthy recipes, new exercises, and other tips to keeping those extra pounds off! It's so helpful if I want to mix things up in my workouts or meals.
I've been using this app daily for over a year now, and cannot imagine where I'd be without it. If you're looking to make some healthy changes to you in 2016, this app is the answer to all your prayers!
Feel free to share your thoughts and comments!